To Spay or Not to Spay - That is the Question
Whether to have your cats spayed or neutered is the source of debate between those for and against animal sterilization. Each side has its own firmly held beliefs and opinions. It is important to understand both sides in order to decide for yourself whether to spay or neuter your family cat or cats. Many people think of "fixing" a cat as a matter of whether you wish peace and quiet in your home. Certainly, unsprayed and un-neutered cats are more aggressive and (to put it mildly) noisy. Also, un-neutered males produce strong smelling urine. But it goes deeper than that. There are issues of whether we have the right to interfere in what nature has created, or whether such interference helps nature by relieving pain and suffering among unwanted cats, and preventing their birth into a difficult life. It is the lucky wild cat that is caught and euthanized. Wild cats can normally look forward to a very hard life on the streets leading to an eventual death from untreated trauma, di...